fredag 26 september 2008

My pets

i just thought i would post some pictures of my pets for once. these are in reverse chronological order. starting with the pet i found today. i let it go after i dropped it down the stairs. luckily it survived, but i still thought i had better let it free in case i drop it again...

click for large (LARGE!) image.

then for my other pet. this one i created during my technical
drawing class, because the teacher is really boring and talks on and on even after we have done everything. i only had a few things to work with, so i had to be creative. i have it on my desk and feed it every day.

click for large (LARGE!) image.

click for large (LARGE!) image.

click for large (LARGE!) image.

the legs are wires i found on the floor. the ears, mouth, and tail are wire casings. the body is a white (obviously, i don't know why you had to ask...) cable casing. i poked the holes with my pencil and wrapped the wires around my pencil to make the legs.

tisdag 23 september 2008

Knitting and communication in public transport

today i was on the train. a lady who looked like a librarian was sitting in the seat beside the one directly in front of me. she took out her knitting needles, and started knitting on a thing that looked like a legwarmer for an elephant. but she didn't look at what she was doing, instead she looked out the window. a few stops later, a man who she obviously knew got on. he had long black hair that hadn't been washed for a month, and a black beard. he sat across from her (next to me). she smiled at him, and he smiled back. then she went back to her knitting. they continued to look at each other, but didn't say a word. after a while, they both suddenly burst out laughing. i tried not to stare. then i noticed that her knitting was a bit odd- every stitch seemed to be different. most people would just think that it's just some complicated pattern. but to me it seemed more that this was their way of communicating. a while later, they laughed again. then, she got off. and not with this man, but with some other guy, sitting at the other side of the car. they walked off, talking in loud voices. if i ever learn a foreign language, i want to learn to knit.